Cheap hotels in Medellin Colombia: near to downtown

The best alternative when you are looking for a hotel in the city of eternal spring, is definitely cheap hotels in Medellin Colombia that be close enough to downtown, because that way you can enjoy the city, have it all its tourist attractions nearby. If this is ultimately the travel plan that you want, your best choice when choosing where will stay, will be Hotel El Deportista.

This enclosure has an excellent team, trained to guide and inform the hotel services with which the place; besides being an energetic and enthusiastic, necessary to make your visit to the city of Medellin a pleasant and rewarding experience that will make you can choose us as their first choice when planning your next trip to our city staff.

Being a cheap hotels in Medellin Colombia  near to downtown, allows the Hotel El Deportista has the best access roads to public transport in the city because around you can find the routes performed by buses, another buses (which are slightly smaller than previous), the world famous taxis and the entire system of mass transit and integrated nationally known as the Metro de Medellin.

The city is widely known for this transport system that has managed to set the tone, even at international level, because it is an integrated mechanism that has so far, since 1992, established various means of transport as integrated buses, Metroplus, feeders, cable underground, tram, and of course the most important of all, the metro, connecting all areas of the city with downtown and transporting the center to the outskirts of the city.

Hotel El Deportista besides being one of the cheap hotels in Medellin Colombia is close to areas of high cultural influence and recreation in the city. One of the most remarkable places of the city, is the Little Theatre, a space designed to enjoy excellent theater program to which you can enter at no cost; however do not be surprised if at the end of the function the actors ask a voluntary contribution of value you can afford. It will only be an incentive to continue with the cultural propagation.

Another large spaces that has had great success in recent years, is the Ciudad del Rio, a place where you will find a wide variety of civic coexistence. This is a fairly large place with an area for sports and where pets are allowed entry. In addition to offering an excellent gastronomic offer and the possibility of visiting the Museum of Modern Art of Medellin, known as MAMM and, at present, it was exponentially expanded so that all visitors can enjoy the local art.

But the museum is not the only space for art, as the city is overrun with beautiful representations. In fact, the Metro has some art exhibition halls and some of the pillars of the viaduct have beautiful graffiti. The city has given way to much art, which has allowed even part of one of the main roads artery of the city, is decorated with them: San Juan, really represents an art full of details.

We can’t fail to mention one of the museums and places most visited city and high international recognition, because it is no completely unknown master Fernando Botero and thematic sculptures used to «overweight» as a representation a social and cultural criticism: beautiful flirtatious women and men of high class. Precisely his crib is in the city of Medellin inside and outside the Museum of Antioquia, a place full of cultural heritage for the country place, known not only for his work but also for its architecture and history.

A beautiful place that can’t miss, also against this establishment, is the Palace of Culture Rafael Uribe Uribe, one of the buildings of great impact on the city as its beauty is undeniable, as is the representative symbol of independence in Antioquia. Another architectural wonder you can’t lose when choosing a cheap hotels in Medellin Colombia.

You can visit city alone or with your family and friends. Hotel El Deportista has enough accommodations so you can stay in a room that can accommodate up to 5 people without reserve several rooms or terribly uncomfortable. Also, if it is a business trip, you can work quietly from our hotel, as we have free Wi-Fi service and areas of great comfort in common areas, where you can answer your emails or make video calls with full confidence that nothing will distract.

If for any situation cannot go out to get some food, we recommend to use the service of our cafeteria. Similarly within the hotel you can meet the diverse flavors of the local food with our offer catering for none of the larger details of the culture of the region is lost.

With all these attractions, think of the benefits it can give book a pleasant stay in a beautiful cheap hotels in Medellin Colombia. We invite you to contact us with any questions or concerns. Remember that you can find in various web platforms and in our social networks as the Sportsman Hotel.

Do not be afraid to ask, you will certainly find what you are looking for your stay. You never going to see a better place to live the most amazing experiences in a natural place, with an amazing weather and the most beautiful women in the earth. For those reasons it´s impossible that you don´t want to visit us.


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